
About Us

Adani Sawz Company and Factory for Recycling Used Plastic Water Bottles in Kesnazan Industrial Zone in Erbil Established on (K11839) the Directorate of Industrial Development in 3/11/2009

  • We collect used water bottles Inside Iraq.
  • We clean used water bottles in our factory with detergents and cleaning materials with special equipment for water bottles and plastic
  • Polyester is produced in several stages and is used for many things Making mattress + blanket + pillow + chair
  • Polyester is shipped to lower Iraq for re-marketing.
  • These water bottles are cleaned in several stages and then hardened with a special machine into scientific water gypsum (PET) and then put in large bags that weigh about 250 kilograms.
  • (PET bottles) that are hardened and sent to our other factory, the classifier goes through several stages to produce the classifier, the scientific name is (PET bottle recycling)
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